Who Should Use Hit-Meter?
Anyone who runs a website and wants to use accurate web-tracking software to improve their website's function, popularity and success.

What is Hit-Meter?
Hit-Meter is advanced web-tracking software that will help you take your website, and your business or organization, to the next level. With Hit-Meter web-tracking software, you will be able to accurately analyze your website's activity on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis, allowing you to concentrate on the things that matter.

Why is Hit-Meter the Premiere Web-tracking Software?
With Hit-Meter, you will have the most up-to-date, private, and reliable web-tracking software right at your fingertips. This web-tracking software was created with simplicity in mind. Hit-Meter gives you the chance to focus your energy on your website's approach and presentation rather than sifting through useless numbers and finding no results.
Some people use Google Analytics, but it forces them to sacrifice their privacy and the privacy of their website visitors. If you use Google Analytics, Google will keep track of the people who visit your website in order to cleverly place appropriate advertising in front of them later on. This means that the people who visited your website will be seeing your competitors' advertisements soon after leaving your site. Using Google Analytics can be counter-productive if you have any competitors advertising with Google.

Hit-Meter will never attempt to advertise to the people who visit your website.
At Hit-Meter, our goal is not to advertise. The web-tracking statistics you receive from Hit-Meter will always remain confidential. Hit-Meter will never use your information or information from your website visitors to advertise. Our goal is to optimize your information to help you reach your goals as fast as possible. Use Hit-Meter for intuitive, accurate, and powerful web-tracking software with no loss of privacy